News Stories - Page 389

Southwest Georgia recruitment
Southwest Georgia high school or college transfer students can learn about the many programs and opportunities the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences can offer them by attending the UGA Southwest District Recruitment Event Sept. 20 at 5:00 p.m. at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center in Tifton, Ga.
Southeast recruitment
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences offers a variety of programs that can lead to careers in education, business, communication, economics and engineering—just to name a few.
Fire ants scurry along a piece of wood CAES News
Fire ant control
Fire ants can ruin picnics and football games year-round. Treating fire ant colonies in the fall can help edge out future colonies, lessening the likelihood they’ll steal your chips or nip at your toes.
Consider size when adding crape myrtles to your landscape. CAES News
New plant material
As the weather grows cooler most landscape plants begin to go dormant. Fall is an excellent time to install new plant material.
A push lawn mower CAES News
Tool cleaning time
If you don’t plan to plant a fall garden, inspect, repair and clean your gardening tools before storing them for the winter.
Collard greens grow in a garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Cold weather veggies
Now is the time for home gardeners to start preparing fall gardens of cool-season vegetables.
Dr. Jo Luck, co-winner World Food Prize and former leader of Heifer International CAES News
D.W. Brooks Lecture
Jo Luck, 2010 World Food Prize Laureate and former president and CEO of Heifer International, will present the annual D.W. Brooks Lecture Oct. 4 at the University of Georgia in Athens, Ga. The lecture and awards ceremony will start at 11 a.m. in Mahler Auditorium of the Georgia Center for Continuing Education.
The early summer following an El Niño winter climate pattern – like we had this past winter -- is typically warmer and drier than normal. With the warmer temperatures and drier-than-normal conditions, soil moisture will quickly decrease over the next two months. CAES News
Sizzle, sizzle!
Based on the average mean temperature, Alma, Athens, Augusta, Columbus and Savannah, as well as Tallahassee, Fla., all experienced the hottest summer on record.
Drought in Georgia
Extreme drought conditions now cover most of Georgia south of the mountains. Extreme drought is the next-to-highest drought category. All counties in Georgia are now classified as being in moderate, severe or extreme drought.