News Stories - Page 402

A soldier interacts with a 4-H'er during a Georgia 4-H military kids camp. CAES News
Georgia 4-H to host military camp
More than 150 teens from U.S. military families will gather in the north Georgia mountains this July for a week of summer camp at Wahsega 4-H Center in Dahlonega, Ga.
"Your Southern Garden" host Walter Reeves. CAES News
Your Southern Garden
Learn about pruning trees and azaleas, and all about honeybees on "Your Southern Garden" with Walter Reeves April 16 at noon and 6:30 p.m. on Georgia Public Broadcasting.
A push lawn mower CAES News
Schedule lawn care
Every year, local county Extension offices receive hundreds of phone calls from homeowners with questions about when to do this or that to their lawns. When do I fertilize? When do I plant grass seed? When do I core aerate? When do I apply pre-emergent herbicides?
Golf ball sized hail CAES News
March severe weather
Temperatures were above normal across Georgia in March. Rainfall was highly variable, from a very wet month in Atlanta to dry conditions in southeastern Georgia.
The eye of a deer fly. CAES News
Spring sting
People swarm outdoors in the spring to garden, grill out or have fun in the sun. But this can become prime times and places for insect attacks, says a University of Georgia bug expert.
Temik times out
U.S. farmers and farm experts knew they’d soon lose a popular chemical used to control major crop pests. But the end has come sooner than they expected.
UGA Griffin campus research technician Sherrie Stevens counts leaf miner damage on Gerbera daisies in a greenhouse in Upson County, Ga. CAES News
Scientists release wasps to fight plant's enemy
University of Georgia scientists are counting on a tiny wasp to save the popular Gerbera daisy from being destroyed by an insect that finds its leaves tasty.
Guest speakers, like Marvin Ellison, executive vice-president for Home Depot, share their stories with the Empowering Young Entrepreneurs Leadership Academy at South Cobb High School, organized by Kimberly Taylor. CAES News
Young entrepreneurs
Kimberly Taylor believes students shouldn’t have to work for other people. They can use their skills to create their own businesses and opportunities to employ others.
Rodeo referees wait for the next event to begin at the Great Southland Stampede Rodeo. CAES News
Great Southland Stampede Rodeo
Whether you’re tough enough to wear pink, have children who love baby animals or want to holler for calf ropers and bull riders, the University of Georgia’s Block and Bridle Club is gearing up for you. The 37th annual Great Southland Stampede Rodeo rolls into Athens, Ga., April 14-16.