News Stories - Page 446

Snow coats leaves in March 2009 in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Protect plants
Don’t box up those old Christmas tree lights just yet. Along with old blankets, quilts and cardboard boxes, they could be the key to keeping tender plants from freezing this winter.
Landscape Update
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will hold the 2010 landscape updates and trainings January 15 and February 26 in Perry. The trainings will cover weed and insect control, soil compaction and thatch, small engine maintenance, cost management and pesticide recertification credits.
A bowl of AA batteries. CAES News
Recharge, recycle batteries

During the holidays, we scour the stores for the newest gadgets and electronics to give as gifts. But, some people forget new animatronic animals and game system remotes need batteries to operate.

Sweet Vidalia onions in a basket at a roadside stand in Tattnall County, Ga. CAES News
Onion grant
The Vidalia onion is Georgia’s official state vegetable and No. 1 fresh vegetable crop. Like any major crop, it has its fair share of problems – ones University of Georgia researchers want to fix.
Caroline Harless poses with her Flat Creek Lodge Aztec Cheddar at the third Flavor of Georgia food product contest. The cheddar won grand prize at the competition. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia

On March 16, the University of Georgia Center for Agribusiness and Economic Development will reveal the winners of the 2010 Flavor of Georgia contest. As part of Georgia Ag Day, Gov. Sonny Perdue will present awards for top products and a grand prize for the overall winner.

Rain record
Tropical Storm Ida brought more wet days to Georgia in November, setting rainfall records in what is normally a dry month.
Pine tree snapped in half by winds. CAES News
Downed trees
Heavy winds whipped across central Georgia Dec. 8, waking homeowners and leaving downed trees and limbs behind. Strong weather is common in Georgia, and so is cleaning up after it. But there’s a way to do it safely and wisely, say University of Georgia Cooperative Extension expert.
Logo for 2010 Ag Forecast CAES News
2010 Ag Forecast
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences will host its fourth annual Ag Forecast Breakfast Series 7:30 a.m. -10 a.m. Jan. 25 in Rome, Jan. 26 in Gainesville, Jan. 27 in Statesboro, Jan. 28 in Tifton and Jan. 29 in Macon. Participants will hear from farm and food safety experts and be able to ask them questions.
Mike Doyle, director of UGA Center for Food Safety, holds a bowl of spinach. CAES News
Import Safety
Nearly 15 percent of the food Americans eat is imported from other countries, mostly from Canada, Mexico and China. This may sound like a small percentage, but it represents 80 percent of seafood and 45 percent of fresh fruit consumed in the U.S. A University of Georgia expert says increased food imports bring new challenges to ensuring a safe U.S. food supply.