News Stories - Page 174

UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean and Director Sam Pardue and Georgia Commissioner of Agriculture Gary Black congratulate Drew, Melody and David Goodson with Governor Nathan Deal after they won the grand prize. CAES News
Flavor of Georgia
David and Melody Goodson, co-owners of Goodson Pecans of Leesburg, Georgia, have taken the grand prize at University of Georgia’s 2018 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest with the Goodson Pecans Honey Cinnamon Pecan Butter.
Grady County 4-H member Lilly Norton works with a calving simulator to deliver a calf. CAES News
4-H Vet Lab Day
Thirty-six 4-H members from 14 Georgia counties visited the University of Georgia Tifton campus Thursday, March 15, for 4-H Veterinary Science Career Exploration Day.
Professor Changying (Charlie) Li works with graduate students (L-R) Yu Jiang and Shangpeng Sun with a robot in a blueberry field. Li is heading a new research initiative at UGA, the Phenomics and Plant Robotics Center. The center will spearhead new research into using robots, sensing and data analysis to help aid the development of new crop varieties. CAES News
Robots in Agriculture
Automated data collection and analysis pipelines are changing the way humans generate and use information. At the University of Georgia, researchers harness the power of advanced sensing, robotics and big-data analytics to change agriculture.
Helga Recke, a Visiting Fellow at Cornell University's College for Agriculture and Life Sciences's AWARE (Advancing Women in Agriculture through Research and Education) program, will give the keynote address on April 2 at 3:30 p.m. at the Georgia Museum of Art. CAES News
Gender in Agriculture
Around the world, female farmers produce 20 to 30 percent less than their male counterparts, and experts believe that overcoming that gender gap will be key to feeding the world’s growing population.  
Project RFPs
The Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Peanut Research is calling for concept notes in two Areas of Inquiry: varietal development and value-added gains.
Celebrating global food security
An event scheduled for next week in Washington D.C. will highlight the innovation labs’ role in global food security and the University of Georgia’s part in that work.
Picture of wheat research trial being conducted by Reagan Noland and Dennis Hancock. CAES News
Wheat Crop
Wheat prices are down, and wheat acreage in Georgia is dropping. To boost the state’s wheat industry and help producers get more out of their crop, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension small-grains specialist Reagan Noland is researching a dual-use system that would enable growers to use their wheat crop for grain and forage production.
Cotton roots infected with root-knot nematodes swell in response to the infection. These knots serve as feeding sites where nematodes (microscopic worms) grow, produce more eggs and stunt the plant's growth. CAES News
Mother Nature’s freezing January temperatures reduced nematode buildup in southern Georgia fields. But warmer temperatures this spring could spark nematode activity, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension plant pathologist Bob Kemerait.
Students peel hibiscus calyxes from the seed pods that form from the plant's showy flowers. The calyxes are used for brewing tea high in vitamin C. CAES News
Medicinal Herbs
Many gardeners keep an herb garden to stock their kitchens with parsley, thyme and cilantro. That same herb garden can turn out tasty, healthful teas.