News Stories - Page 220

Fresh brown eggs from chickens raised by a Pike County, Ga., farmer. CAES News
Egg Candling
Raising a flock of backyard chickens ensures that you have a steady supply of fresh eggs. But if you plan to sell those eggs, Georgia law requires the eggs be candled.
Greenhouse and nursery growers from across the southeastern United States converged in Athens June 12-15 for the inaugural Academy of Crop Production hosted by the UGA Department of Horticulture. Part of the program included the annual Industry Open House at the Trial Gardens at UGA. CAES News
Academy of Crop Production
From unmanned aerial vehicles to remote-sensing greenhouse control systems, nursery and greenhouse growers explored the future of the green industry as part of the inaugural Academy of Crop Production (ACP), held June 12-15 in Athens, Georgia.
In spring 2016, Jeff Miller took a position as UGA Cooperative Extension coordinator for the Atlanta area. CAES News
UGA Extension in Atlanta
There’s a growing hunger in the Atlanta region for locally grown food, greener gardens, healthier lifestyles and information that makes life simpler.
A nursery grower examines plants growing at the Trial Gardens at UGA. The gardens will hold a public open house July 9. CAES News
Trial Gardens Open House
Each year the Trial Gardens at the University of Georgia tests hundreds of new ornamental plants before they reach local garden centers.
The newly renovated Tift Building in this May, 2016 photo. CAES News
Tift Building
After a 14-month renovation, the Tift Building on the University of Georgia Tifton Campus is housing faculty and staff. A timely renovation – the campus celebrates its centennial in 2018 – the renovated Tift Building preserves the history of the Tifton Campus while giving the campus’s front doorstep a more vibrant appearance, according to Assistant Dean Joe West.
Downy mildew disease on a watermelon leaf. CAES News
Downy Mildew Disease
University of Georgia plant pathologist Bhabesh Dutta is confident that Georgia watermelon growers will encounter downy mildew at some point during the growing season — it’s just a matter of timing and severity.
First-year honey bees from the hive of backyard beekeeper Calvin King of Albany. CAES News
Beekeeping Basics
A burgeoning interest in the benefits of delicious, local honey and increased concern for pollinator health has led more and more Americans to start keeping their own bees.
Chemigation treatments on cotton in a UGA research trial. CAES News
Pesticide application through center pivot irrigation systems, called “chemigation,” could allow Georgia cotton growers to treat multiple fields while lowering application costs and minimizing exposure to chemicals. University of Georgia entomologist Michael Toews is studying the efficacy of this method.
Lyndon Waller, left, a DeKalb Mobile Farmers Market program assistant, and Rickeia Stewart, a UGA Extension administrative assistant in DeKalb County, are part of the team helping to bring fresh vegetables to underserved communities in DeKalb County. CAES News
Metro Mobile Markets
Summer isn’t quite the same without fresh corn, beans, okra and tomatoes, but many Georgians don’t have easy access to the state’s bounty of produce.