News Stories - Page 215

Christopher Morgan (center) is among the newest crop of Master 4-H'ers named at the recent Georgia 4-H State Congress event in Atlanta. Morgan credits his 4-H experience for helping him overcome issues with his autism. CAES News
4-H State Congress
Born with autism, 19-year-old Christopher Morgan didn’t speak until he was 4 years old. Today, Morgan is one of 47 Georgia 4-H members who earned the coveted title of “Master 4-H’er” at the annual Georgia 4-H State Congress, held July 26-28 in Atlanta.
This summer has seen the second or third warmest June-July period on record for much of the state. Temperatures ranged from almost 2 to 3.5 degrees above the 1981-2010 average. CAES News
Too Hot, Too Dry
About 65 percent of Georgia is experiencing some level of abnormally dry weather or drought, and there are no signs it will break before October.
As interest in local food continues to grow, more communities across Georgia have started farmers markets, like this one in Roswell. The University of Georgia's helping to meet the demand, too, with a certificate program in local food systems. CAES News
National Farmers Market Week
Fresh tomatoes, fresh okra and heirloom field peas — who doesn’t love a farmers market?
Participants practice extracting a calf using a calving simulator from Clemson University during a UGA short course. The simulator is similar to the one that will be used for trainings by UGA Cooperative Extension. CAES News
Calving Simulator
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences and College of Veterinary Medicine are offering a unique training opportunity for cattlemen who want more information on how to assist cows and heifers having difficulty calving.
The Food and Drug Administration proposed several changes to the 20 year old Nutrition Facts label on Feb. 27. UGA nutrition experts and researchers believe that the proposed changes, which have not been finalized, will help Georgians make more informed food choices. CAES News
Hidden Calories
Have you ever accepted that second slice of pie because it was “low carb” or “fat free”?
Francisco Diez Gonzalez became director of the University of Georgia Center for Food Safety on July 1, 2016. Diez earned a bachelor's degree in food technology from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, and completed master's and doctoral degrees in food science at Cornell University in New York. He came to UGA from the University of Minnesota, where he was a faculty member and head of the Department of Food Science and Nutrition. CAES News
Director Diez
For years, food scientist Francisco Diez studied and admired the work of University of Georgia Regents’ Professor Mike Doyle, but the two researchers’ paths never crossed. For the next year, they will work closely together as Diez transitions into Doyle’s role as director of the UGA Center for Food Safety in Griffin, Georgia.
Lesser corn stalk borers are considered one of peanut's most devastating pests. CAES News
Lesser Cornstalk Borers
A lack of rain and cooler weather this summer means more calls for University of Georgia peanut entomologist Mark Abney regarding lesser cornstalk borers.
Buckwheat is an unusually fast-growing plant produced by commercial agriculture for its grain-like seeds. In the home garden, it is one of the best summer cover/green manure crops available. CAES News
Beautiful Buckwheat
Buckwheat adds nitrogen to garden plots, produces beautiful flowers and delicious pancakes. An unusually fast-growing plant, buckwheat is produced by commercial agriculture for its grain-like seeds. In the home garden, it is one of the best summer cover/green manure crops available.
Tim Grey, UGA weed scientist, speaks during the Plains field day held in 2014. CAES News
Plains Field Day
An upcoming field day on Wednesday, Aug. 10, at the University of Georgia Southwest Georgia Research and Education Center (SWERC) in Plains, Georgia, will showcase cutting-edge agriculture research to farmers, UGA Cooperative Extension county agents and industry personnel.