News Stories - Page 213

To determine the quality of hay, Georgia farmers trust forage tests from the University of Georgia Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories in Athens, Georgia. The lab provides an estimate of Relative Forage Quality (RFQ). This value is a single, easy-to-interpret number that improves a producer's understanding of forage quality and helps to establish a fair market value for the product. CAES News
High Quality Hay
Hay and baleage producers in the Southeast have a chance at winning cash and major equipment prizes in the 2016 Southeastern Hay Contest presented by Massey Ferguson. The Southeastern Hay Contest is held in conjunction with the Sunbelt Ag Expo, the South’s premier outdoor farm show.
GM crops chart CAES News
GMO Safety
Genetically modified foods are tested for safety testing before they reach the marketplace. It can take over a decade and cost tens of millions of dollars, and as a result, GMOs are the most safety-tested foods in history, says University of Georgia plant breeding and plant genetics expert Wayne Parrott.
The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is challenging its students — and students across the university — to become entrepreneurial groundbreakers through FABricate, a contest of student ideas to help feed the world. CAES News
FABricate Challenge
From the development of the iron plow to the noble impulse to turn peanuts into a delicious sandwich spread, groundbreaking visionaries have repeatedly reshaped the way the world eats.
The big leaf princess flower produces large spikes of violet flowers from mid-summer until frost. CAES News
Royal beauty
Native to Brazil, the princess flower is loaded with uncountable blossoms of royal purple. It’s unchallenged in its status as the most beautiful plant of late summer and fall gardens.
Although there is no one-size-fits-all rule to rotational grazing management, to provide forage rest and recovery and improve grazing efficiency, the first step is to get cattle moving. CAES News
Grazing School
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension forage specialist Dennis Hancock has organized the annual Georgia Grazing School set for Sept. 20 – 21 at the National Environmentally Sound Production Agriculture Laboratory (NESPAL)building on the UGA campus in Tifton, Georgia.
A group picture from the Peanut Achievement Club meeting at Jekyll Island. CAES News
Peanut Achievement Club
Georgia’s top peanut producers celebrated their accomplishments and thanked the University of Georgia’s Peanut Team for their assistance during the Georgia Peanut Achievement Club meeting, held Aug. 12-14 on Jekyll Island, Georgia.
A leadership development class within the Extension Academy for Professional Excellence works on a classroom exercise. CAES News
Extension Academy
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will launch the 2016-2017 season of UGA’s Extension Academy for Professional Excellence — an internal program meant to develop the next generation of leadership — this September in Athens, Georgia.
Carleen Porter at University Perugia in Italy CAES News
Carleen Porter
Carleen Porter, a fourth year Animal Science major spent eight weeks at the University of Perugia Veterinary School in Perugia, Italy, fulfilling the internship requirement for the International Agriculture Certificate. How did you decide on this program? Last spring, I was going to be part of a UGA-sponsored program in Verona for three months. I contacted Amanda Stephens (CAES Associate Director of Student Engagement) about adding on the certificate internship. Amanda was able to work with the UGA veterinary school to secure a veterinary internship at the University of Perugia.
Representatives of UGA's Soil, Plant and Water Analysis Laboratory will be on hand to answer gardeners' soil questions in downtown Atlanta on Aug. 27 at Love Local: A Soil Festival to Grow Healthier Communities. CAES News
Soil Festival
Great soil is the foundation of any good backyard vegetable patch or community garden, but it’s hard to know how your soil is shaping up without a soil test.