News Stories - Page 420

Summer nights
This past summer was one of the warmest on record for Georgia. It wasn’t that the daytime high temperatures were that unusual; it was the warm nighttime temperatures that set records.
Child peeling banana. Spring 2010 CAES News
Childhood Obesity
In the last three decades, the number of obese American adults has more than doubled. The number of children with the condition has more than tripled. According to official federal numbers, two-thirds of the nation's adults are either overweight or obese. One in every three children is.
Students register for 2009 UGA Tifton Southwest District Recruitment Event at the UGA Tifton Campus Conference Center. CAES News
Student recruitment
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences’ students train for careers in food, plant or animal industries, and they get to work directly with the world-renowned scientists who teach them.
Agritourism Conference Nov. 3-5
The 2010 Georgia Agritourism Conference, “Play, Learn, Grow,” will be held Nov. 3 - 5 at the Dillard House in Rabun County, Ga.
Lawn being fertilized CAES News
Feed spring lawn now
Fertilize grasses now for a lush, green lawn next spring neighbors will envy. I know what you’re thinking: “Why should I fertilize my lawn in the fall before dormancy?” You’re probably hoping it will quit growing soon so you don’t have to mow any more.
Exotic app
From Burmese pythons to Nile monitors, exotic reptiles are a growing problem in Florida, where they destroy fragile ecosystems. A University of Georgia center in Tifton, Ga., recently developed an iPhone application for a fast, accurate way to identify the invasive animals.
Butterfly Weed is a native herbaceous perennial that attracts butterflies like magnets with its florescent orange blooms. CAES News
Tropical plant tips
University of Georgia horticulturist Bodi Pennisi will discuss the best annual and tropical plants for Georgia home and professional landscapes at the Sept. 21 meeting of the Georgia Perennial Plant Association.
Collard greens grow in a garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Fall garden expo set
The seventh annual Hall County Master Gardeners’ Fall Garden Expo is set for Sept. 24–25.
Walk Georgia online exercise program kicks off for fall
It’s time to pull out those walking shoes and get steppin’, Georgia. The annual eight-week program, Walk Georgia, began Sept. 5, and registration continues through Sept. 14.