News Stories - Page 423

Collard greens grow in a garden in Butts Co., Ga. CAES News
Cool-season crop time
As summer vegetables like corn and beans stop bearing, now is the time for home gardeners to start preparing fall gardens of cool-season vegetables.
Relationship Enrichment
It’s estimated that each year in Georgia, one couple files for divorce for every two couples that get married. Couples who participate in premarital counseling are at a lower risk for divorce. Engaged couples in the Athens, Ga., area are invited to participate in a pre-marital preparation and relationship enhancement program provided by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, the UGA College of Family and Consumer Sciences and the Aspire Clinic.
Yellow leaves on a tree in the fall of the year CAES News
Leaves = mulch
If you don’t like raking, bagging and dragging leaves to the curb, recycle your leaves into mulch. Leaves are nature’s way of creating a natural blanket for protecting tree and plant roots from extreme cold temperatures.
Expert advice free on the web
As you plant fall vegetables, bring plants inside on cold nights and dream of what your landscape will look like next spring, take a moment to check out some of these free resources written by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension experts.
Jenny Hardgrave of Simply Flowers Inc. plans her pansy bed at Centennial Olympic Park in Atlanta, Ga. CAES News
Pro planting
With their colorful faces and cold-weather tolerance, pansies are an easy landscape edition – unless they are installed incorrectly.
Soil moisture conditions in the southern half of the state are generally at the fifth percentile, meaning the soils at the end of May would be wetter 95 out of 100 years. CAES News
Mild drought
Georgia has remained free of drought for more than a year. But drought conditions have returned to north-central, west-central and southwest Georgia.
Alpharetta Elementary 4th graders from left Joey Santoro, 10, and Neal Seaman, 10, search a stream for life during environmental education at Washega 4H camp in Dahlonega, Thursday, April 28, 2005. CAES News
Environmental Education
Learning “al-fresco” style, or getting out into nature’s classroom, is a great way to connect children with the things they are expected to master in school, says a 4-H education specialist.
University of Georgia turfgrass specialist Brian Schwartz drinks water to stay hydrated during the 2010 UGA Turfgrass Field Day held in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Heat stroke prevention
Adam Miller of Dalton, Ga., gained five pounds over the weekend. By Wednesday, he had lost seven pounds. The college football player’s weight drastically fluctuates during the first weeks of intense, sweaty summertime practice.
Adult day at camp
Adults can experience Rock Eagle 4-H Center Saturday, Aug. 21 during a special Rock Eagle Adult Learning session. During this REAL session, adults can learn about the history of the Rock Eagle Mound and the Little Rock Eagle.