News Stories - Page 427

A two-lined spittlebug adult CAES News
Watch for spittlebugs
Some people call them cuckoo spits. Others call them froghoppers or devil spits. No matter what you call spittlebugs they make a devil of a mess in landscapes. With the end of the drought, University of Georgia experts say spittlebugs are making a comeback around the state.
Dew collects on a yellow bloom at the UGA Trial Gardens in Athens. April 2010 CAES News
UGA Trial Gardens
Georgia’s summer heat is on, bringing with it a wealth of beautiful blooms. View the best summer has to offer at the University of Georgia Trial Gardens open house July 10 from 8 a.m. until 1 p.m.
UGA poultry science professor Mark Compton teaches high school students how to tie a surgeon's knot. CAES News
Avian adventures
The chicken was out cold when Brooke Chrisley tied her first surgeon’s knot. Her fellow students occasionally gently pinched the bird’s toe to make sure it was still anesthetized.
Plant pathologist Lee Burpee discusses disease control at the 2008 UGA Turfgrass Field Day. CAES News
Turfgrass field day
If caring for turfgrass is in your job description, the University of Georgia has planned an event just for you. The UGA Turfgrass Field Day will be filled with everything you ever wanted to know about turfgrass and much more.
World Cup grass
The World Cup is the premiere stage for soccer, the world’s most popular sport. This year, part of that stage is covered in a grass developed by a University of Georgia turfgrass breeder on the UGA campus in Tifton, Ga.
Irrigation of research plots on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. Be careful not to apply too much water as it can be just as costly as under watering. CAES News
Rules not as strict as during drought
New watering rules give Georgians more flexibility in their watering habits. Effective June 1, they can now run automated irrigation systems, lawn sprinklers or water by hand daily as long as they do so from 4 p.m. until 10 a.m.
Living Well logo to accompany FACS column series. CAES News
Vegetable canning
Many people are returning to home canning or starting for the first time. And many are making what could be a deadly mistake. Canning green beans or other vegetables in boiling water instead of under pressure with a properly researched procedure can cost lives.
Union County Farmers Market 2010 CAES News
Farmers Market
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension in Union County will open its farmers market weekly from June 26 until Oct. 16.
Bored well CAES News
Safe well water
Clean drinking water is a top priority for families. But homeowners who rely solely on well water can be open to certain risks.