News Stories - Page 437

Paul Wigley, a University of Georgia Cooperative Extension coordinator in Calhoun County, talks to farmer Drew Collins on Jan. 28, 2010 in Morgan, Ga. CAES News
Hands-on research
University of Georgia research isn’t done just by professors in laboratories in Athens, Ga. It’s also conducted in fields, orchards and gardens statewide by UGA Cooperative Extension agents, who look to solve problems for the people in their counties.
"Your Southern Garden" host Walter Reeves. CAES News
Garden show premiere
On April 3, southern gardeners will have a new tool to help them in the garden. “Your Southern Garden” with Walter Reeves, a new educational television show, will premiere to help gardeners of all levels learn new tips, get fresh ideas and visit interesting sites. The show will air weekly on Saturdays at 12:30 p.m. and repeat at 6:30 p.m. on Georgia Public Broadcasting stations and select northern and central Florida public television stations.
Gardening 101
A University of Georgia horticulture expert will teach Gardening 101 on April 5 at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia in Athens, Ga.
Rolls of sod CAES News
Sod inspection
Homeowners may know to inspect potted plants for diseases, insects and other signs of an unhealthy plant before buying them. But University of Georgia Cooperative Extension specialists say sod should be inspected, too, before it’s rolled out and installed.
Dekalb County Master Gardener June Buechner tends to a community garden. CAES News
Master gardeners-volunteers
With shovels in tow, Master Gardeners across Georgia help their communities by conducting special gardening programs, writing news stories and lending their expertise wherever needed.
Environmental Stewardship winner 2010 Earl Barrrs. Award presented by Chuck Leavell and Gov. Sonny Perdue. Also pictured Wanda Barrs. CAES News
Good Stewards
Chuck Leavell, the Deen Brothers and Gov. Sonny Perdue were on hand March 16 for the 7th annual Georgia Agriculture Day, the traditional kick-off of Georgia Agriculture Awareness Week, which runs March 15-19. During the event, Leavell and Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue recognized the regional winners of the Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award given annually to farmers who do an exceptional job protecting their land and promoting environmental practices in agriculture. The Deen Brothers, Jamie and Bobby, announced the winners of the 2010 Flavor of Georgia contest.
Grill Honey, made by Savannah Bee Company, was named Grand Champion at the 2010 Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest. Diana Smirl accepts the award on behalf of Savannah Bee Company from Gov. Sonny Perdue and culinary experts Jamie Deen (left) and Bobby Deen. CAES News
Flavor Winners
As a young boy, Ted Dennard learned the art of beekeeping. Today, he uses his passion for honey to earn a living. He’s the founder of Savannah Bee Company, which sells pure, raw honey and honey products. His Grill Honey took top prize in the annual Flavor of Georgia Food Product Contest Tuesday in Atlanta.
Grower comments sought
Georgia vegetable growers can provide feedback on proposed food safety standards March 25 at a special produce safety standard development meeting in Tifton.
Food business workshop
Have you always wanted to market a family heirloom recipe or a new creation from your own kitchen? If so, a one-day workshop at the University of Georgia may teach you how to make your culinary dreams come true.