News Stories - Page 432

University of Georgia scientists Tong Zhao and Michael Doyle have invented a microbial food wash that kills pathogens in a minute. CAES News
Inventor's award
Two University of Georgia scientists have been awarded the UGA Inventor’s Award for their creation of a food wash that significantly reduces the risk of food-borne illness.
Dr. Josef Broder, right, presents the Medallion of Honor to Minnie Foster, center left, and her sister Celestia Loden while Dr. J. Scott Angle explains the award. Broder is the associate dean of academic affairs at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. Angle is the college's dean and director. CAES News
Sister Act
The life story of Celestia Loden and Minnie Foster is a profound portrait of America’s promise: Hard work, persistence and dedication lead to a rewarding life. The vision of that promise fulfilled was not lost on University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences graduates as they watched the 94- and 86-year-old sisters receive the college’s Medallion of Honor for Service during May 8 commencement exercises.
University of Georgia research technician Rodney Connell prunes turfgrass samples in a greenhouse on the campus in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Turf greening up
Homeowners and landscapers are beginning call their University of Georgia Cooperative Extension office with questions about warm-season turf lawns. Many are concerned that their lawn has been a victim of "winter kill" and they are looking for a solution to the problem.
UGA College of Agriculture and Environmental Science student Claire Stace, a poultry science major, holds a hissing cockroach. Original taken Tuesday, May, 19, 2009, in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Bug camp set
Elementary and middle school students can spend a week studying insects through the University of Georgia Bug Camp.
Augusta, Columbus and Savannah all broke their all-time December precipitation records. CAES News
Warm April
The combination of a cool March with a warm early April compressed Georgia’s pollen season, leading to higher-than-normal pollen counts across the state in April.
Local, state and national officials ceremonially broke ground May 3 at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus for the Agriculture Energy Innovation Center, which will be the centerpiece of an initiative to find ways to create energy-saving strategies or technologies that can be applied in a real-world way on a farm. CAES News
Energy innovations
Farmers want to do things efficiently. It makes sound business sense. Ground was ceremonially broken in Tifton, Ga., May 3 for a center to help them produce and use energy more efficiently on the farm.
Fawn with spots grazes on a landscape in North Georgia. CAES News
Deer-tolerant Plants
Spring is the perfect time to add new flowers and trees to your home landscape. However, deer may love the new addition as much as you do.
Dairy cow at the UGA training dairy in Athens, Ga. CAES News
Animal Science in Action
Animal Science in Action, a two-day event for rising high school juniors and seniors, has been set for June 1-2 on the University of Georgia campus in Athens, Ga.
"Your Southern Garden" host Walter Reeves. CAES News
Your Southern Garden
Annual beds, okra seed germination and smilax control headline “Your Southern Garden” with Walter Reeves May 15 at 12:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. on Georgia Public Broadcasting.