News Stories - Page 252

Morgan County 4-H'ers Natalie Ross, Nick Lewan and Aamiyah Jordan consult UGA Extension Family and Consumer Sciences Agent Leigh Anne Aaron about a recipe during the Morgan County Kids Can Cook camp held this summer. CAES News
Food Safety and Fun
Will the next star chef come from the line at a five-star fusion restaurant in Chicago, a trendy food truck in east Atlanta or maybe, just maybe, from a Georgia 4-H club in Morgan or Oconee County, Georgia?
The pond on the University of Georgia Westbrook Research Farm off Ellis Road in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Pond Management
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will present a pond management workshop on Tuesday, Sept. 1, from 6-9 p.m. at the Cherokee County Bluffs business center in Canton, Georgia. UGA Extension aquaculturist Gary Burtle will lead the class, which will cover water quality and testing, lime-treating and fertilizing a pond, weed identification and control, and population assessment and management.
Teila and Walter Driggers gather collard greens on their farm in Collins, Georgia. As a farm wife, Teila helps her husband grow and sell their crops. An up-coming workshop for farm women is designed for for women just like Teila. CAES News
Farm Women Workshops
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension will present two three-day workshops through Annie’s Project, a national education program, specifically geared toward women in farming.
Summer Heat
Those looking for relief from July’s unrelenting heat aren’t likely to find it anytime soon. Average temperatures during July were about 1 to 2 degrees above normal and are projected to be slightly warmer in August.
Calhoun County farmer Wesley Webb was the state's top peanut producer in yields per acre for 299 acres or less in 2014. CAES News
Peanut Achievement Club
Each of Georgia’s top 10 peanut farmers relied on University of Georgia Cooperative Extension research to produce the highest yielding crops this year. These farmers were honored by the peanut industry this month for growing the year’s record-breaking crops.
With Grammy award-winning artist and Georgia 4-H alumna Jennifer Nettles as honorary chairperson and former state leader Roger C. 'Bo' Ryles receiving the Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award, the 2015 Georgia 4-H Gala was the organization's most successful event to date. CAES News
4-H Gala
With Grammy award-winning artist and Georgia 4-H alumna Jennifer Nettles as honorary chairperson and former state leader Roger C. ‘Bo’ Ryles receiving the Georgia 4-H Lifetime Achievement Award, the 2015 Georgia 4-H Gala was the organization’s most successful event to date.
Cook County ANR Agent Tucker Price holds up a watermelon plant infected with gummy stem blight disease. CAES News
Watermelon Diseases
Disease in south Georgia’s watermelons was again a problem this year for farmers.
Interim Dean
University of Georgia Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost Pamela Whitten has appointed a committee to begin a national search to fill the position of dean and director of the College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.
MPPPM Program
Twelve University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents are enrolled this semester at UGA Tifton as part of the Master of Plant Protection and Pest Management (MPPPM) program in the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences. The agents work in counties in south Georgia.