News Stories - Page 407

A new ornamental grass University of Georgia plant breeder Wayne Hanna released is well-suited for Georgia's climate. Below Atlanta, it's a perennial. CAES News
Ornamental wonder
The University of Georgia recently released two drought-tolerant, disease-resistant ornamental grasses that can grow from a seedling to a full plant in one month. And, they don’t produce seed or pollen.
An herb vendor at the Riverside Farmers Market in Roswell, Ga., displays her selection - and includes information on how to use the herbs she sells. Aug. 1, 2009. CAES News
Grow your own herbs
University of Georgia horticulturist Bodie Pennisi doesn’t just study herbs in her research garden in Griffin, Ga. She also grows them at home to add flavor to her food.
The fringetree has been a garden favorite and heritage plant in Georgia for many years. CAES News
2011 Gold Medal plant winners
From a black-eyed beauty to a fringe-covered tree, this year’s Georgia Gold Medal plant winners are earning their gold with color, deer tolerance and adaptability to poor soils.
Frank Henning shows how a rain barrel can be used for irrigation. From small sizes like this one to larger harvesting systems, using rain water can save homeowners money and help the environment. CAES News
Harvest rainwater, and keep the change
Georgia residents have faced a series of droughts and water restrictions in recent years, making water a precious commodity and leaving citizens with the burden of finding alternatives to reducing and conserving their water use. Harvesting rainwater, however, is an alternative for homeowners that not only provides a water source in times of drought and water bans, but also can help the environment.
A yellow squash matures on the vine of a squash plant growing in Butts County, Georgia. CAES News
Squash borers destroy plants
Squash vine borers are a common problem in vegetable gardens. These insects overwinter in cocoons in the soil, usually in the area of the garden where squash or zucchini plants were located the previous season. Once the adults emerge from the soil, they lay eggs on the stems of susceptible plants.
Stick insects are over 5 inches in length, almost half of which is their long antennae. CAES News
Stick insects hard to spot
Many insects are hardly ever seen because they are so well camouflaged. But if you look close enough in your garden or nearby woods, you might see a stick insect, which can become a good pet.
The eastern tent caterpillar is one of the first insects to become active in the spring. It weaves its nests, which look like tents, in trees throughout Georgia. CAES News
Caterpillars' homes clutter trees
As days get warmer and flowers begin to bloom, the eastern tent caterpillar busies itself weaving strange tent-like forts in the trees. This caterpillar feeds on foliage of various trees, but the trees usually recover.
Resources for planting environmentally-friendly landscapes
This spring, gardeners will spend hours picking out the perfect flowers and plants, planting them in just the right places and getting them off to a great growing start.
Spring is right around the corner, and so are spring flowers, summer vegetables and all the gardening these seasons bring. CAES News
2011 edition of the Spring Garden Packet
Summertime is right around the corner, and with it comes colorful flowers, tasty vegetables and leaf-chopping insects. We’re got articles and information to help you with your garden needs in the 36th edition of the Spring Garden Packet, produced by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.