News Stories - Page 409

A group of Georgia 4-H'ers work together as a team during a Health Rocks! Program activity. CAES News
Health Rocks! program teaches healthy choices to kids.
The fifth-graders chattered, but not about Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or Selena Gomez. They were talking about the harmful effects of smoking and drugs.
A student holds a baby alligator during a visit to Rock Eagle 4-H Center. CAES News
Reptile session set for Feb. 19
Rock Eagle 4-H Center will kick off the Saturday at the Rock series on Feb. 19 with Herpetology: the Study of Reptiles and Amphibians.
Birds look for food on a snowy winter day. CAES News
Cold winter
Cold temperatures and heavy snow crippled north Georgia in January. Despite heavier-than-normal snowfall, precipitation amounts were below normal, increasing drought conditions across the state.
A soldier interacts with a 4-H'er during a Georgia 4-H military kids camp. CAES News
Georgia 4-H serves military families
According to a presidential report, the nation’s 4-H military program is one of the best in supporting military families before, after and during deployment.
Pre-marital workshop planned at UGA
It’s estimated that each year in Georgia, one couple files for divorce for every two couples that get married. Couples who participate in premarital counseling are at a lower risk for divorce
Pears hang from a tree in a middle Georgia home landscape. CAES News
Learn to prune trees and shrubs
Learn to prune fruit trees and ornamentals at an upcoming course offered on the University of Georgia campus in Griffin, Ga. The course will be offered Feb. 25 and March 4.
Alfalfa sprouts grow in trays at Jonathan Sprouts Inc. in New England. CAES News
Patent pending on sprout sanitizer
Fresh alfalfa sprouts adorn many restaurant salad bars, and are considered by many a healthy fresh vegetable. But, they are one of the main foods linked to foodborne illness in the U.S. University of Georgia scientists have developed a method to make sprouts safer to eat by treating the seeds used to grow them.
John McKissick gives the 2011 Ag Forecast in Gainesville, Ga., on Monday, Jan. 24. CAES News
Ag Forecast 2011
Georgia farmers are staring at record prices this year for the crops they grow. But high crop prices aren’t good for all, particularly for those who raise animals, said a University of Georgia economist.
Canning beans in a pressure canner. May 2008. CAES News
Homemade gifts can harbor pathogens
Jams, jellies and other canned recipes are often given as homemade gifts. These special treats may come from the heart, but a University of Georgia expert says, for your stomach’s sake, inspect them carefully.