News Stories - Page 412

Cold crops
In recent weeks, bitter cold fronts have blasted the Deep South, wreaking havoc on home water pipes and icing roads. But for Georgia crops, the weather isn’t so bad, at least for now.
Buy trees and help local food group
Home gardeners, or would-be ones, can start the year off right by purchasing and planting a fruit tree, vine or bush.
Bananas grow in bunches on a tree on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Go Bananas!
When most people think of bananas hanging from a branch, they picture tropical places. A University of Georgia researcher wants them to start associating Georgia with the popular fruit, and he’s found a new variety to help do that.
A student shoots a BB gun during a target sport competition in Griffin, Ga. CAES News
Safety training a must
If a BB gun is at the top of your child’s Christmas list, a Georgia 4-H gun safety expert urges you to put “target sport safety equipment” on that list, too.
November weather
Temperatures were close to normal across Georgia last month. But rainfall varied greatly, ranging from wetter than normal in the north to significantly below normal along the coast.
CANR grants
The Center for Applied Nursery Research, directed by the University of Georgia, Auburn University, University of Tennessee and University of Florida, announces its latest round of research funding.
A University of Georgia research technician holds a chicken at a poultry research facility on the main campus in Athens, Ga. CAES News
UGA aids African poultry production
The University of Georgia has received more than $440,000 as part of a collaborative research, outreach and education program aimed at encouraging sustainable poultry production in the west African country of Mali.
Springtails are wingless insects that range in color from yellow to almost purple to green or gray. CAES News
Tiny beneficials
During mild, winter days, you may find tiny flea-like insects covering driveways, sidewalks or carports. At first glance, many people assume the colored mass is a mold or fungal growth. The culprits are actually strange little creatures called springtails.
Tift County 4-H'ers win national poultry judging honors. CAES News
Poultry judging champs
On Nov. 19, the local sheriff’s department escorted four Tift County teenagers into Tifton, Ga. It might sound like a parent’s nightmare, but the escort actually made parents proud. The reason for the eventful arrival: poultry.