News Stories - Page 202

Mixed containers featuring trailing pansies and dianthus make this Old Town patio in Columbus, Georgia, a cool season delight. CAES News
Pansy Partners
Trailing foliage and flowers are equally paramount to designing mixed baskets and containers in the cool season. Throughout the Old Town community in Columbus, Georgia, container gardens make colorful statements.
Mike Lacy is a professor emeritus and retired department head of the University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science. CAES News
Poultry Outreach
Mike Lacy, professor emeritus and former head of the University of Georgia Department of Poultry Science, has been tapped by the U.S. Department of State to help train agricultural extension agents in South Africa and to provide support to poultry farmers there.
Phillip Roberts, Extension entomologist with the University of Georgia Tifton Campus, searches a soybean plant at a field in Midville for kudzu bugs. CAES News
Kudzu Bug Resistance
Kudzu bugs are not native to Georgia, but in the past seven years, they’ve made their homes in soybean fields across the southeastern U.S.
The ‘Avalon’ pecan, compared here to two other varieties, is a highly desired cultivar due to its extreme resistance to scab disease. CAES News
Avalon Variety
The University of Georgia’s newest pecan variety will be released next spring and has shown good resistance against scab disease so far, according to Patrick Conner, a horticultural scientist at the UGA Tifton Campus.
Known as “Euphorbia x martinii,” 'Ascot Rainbow' is native to Australia, where the name “Ascot” is associated with an old, wealthy suburb of Brisbane. CAES News
Garden Royalty
Botanically speaking, ‘Ascot Rainbow’ is known as “Euphorbia x martinii.” It is native to Australia, where the name “Ascot” is associated with an old, wealthy suburb of Brisbane. In truth, it is known as a spurge, which we most often associate with a host of terrible weeds. ‘Ascot Rainbow,’ however, is worthy of garden royalty.
Stanley Culpepper, a UGA Extension weed scientist on the UGA Tifton Campus, has been selected to serve on the EPA Science Advisory Board. CAES News
EPA Advisory Board
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension weed scientist Stanley Culpepper will soon share his expertise with the Environmental Protection Agency's Science Advisory Board.
Roasted turkey prepared for a holiday meal. CAES News
Safe Holiday Bird
A perfectly cooked turkey on the table is the crowning jewel of a holiday feast. Some favorite tools for cooking turkeys include electric roaster ovens, grills, smokers and even deep fat fryers.
Chef Steve Ingersoll, an instructor at the College of Coastal Georgia, demonstrates one of his favorite curry recipes during a visit to the University of Georgia Department of Food Science and Technology to promote the college's new "Intensive Culinary Experience" May term. CAES News
Culinary May term
University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences students know a lot about the science of food and how it’s grown, but often less about the art of cuisine.
Professor Katrien Devos works as at a light table. Devos is a professor in the UGA Department of Crop and Soil Sciences and the Department of Plant Pathology, and she was recently named a fellow for the American Association for the Advancement of Science. CAES News
Katrien Devos
Katrien M. Devos, a professor of crop and soil sciences and plant biology at the University of Georgia, has been named a Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Election as an AAAS Fellow is an honor bestowed upon AAAS members by their peers.