News Stories - Page 204

More than 80 students from 15 agricultural colleges across the Southeast visited Leatherbrook Holsteins in Americus, Georgia, as part of the annual Southern Regional Dairy Challenge held in Cordele, Georgia, Nov. 13-15. Hosted this year by the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the event is designed to prepare college students for careers in the dairy industry. Members of the UGA team are shown with the farm's owner, Adam Graft, and one of their instructors, UGA animal and dairy science Assistant Professor Jillian Fain Bohlen. Pictured left to right are Graft, Kayla Alward, Mary Wright, Sarah Jane Thomsen and Bohlen. Nathan Webb (not shown) was also on the UGA team. CAES News
Dairy Challenge
Georgia dairyman Adam Graft listened carefully as teams of college students gave their educated opinions on how he manages his 3,200-acre Americus, Georgia, dairy farm.
The Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series will be held Jan. 18-27. University of Georgia agricultural economists will present insights into the latest market and regulatory conditions for the state's largest industry.
Hosted by the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, the 2017 seminar series will be held in Macon, Marietta, Carrollton, Tifton, Bainbridge, Lyons, Waynesboro and Athens. Registration for the series is now open at CAES News
Ag Forecast 2017
The Georgia Ag Forecast seminar series will be held Jan. 18-27. University of Georgia agricultural economists will present insights into the latest market and regulatory conditions for the state’s largest industry.
Leaf spot damage seen on a peanut leaf. CAES News
Leaf Spot Disease
Georgia peanut growers are experiencing problematic leaf spot diseases this year due to susceptible varieties and weakening fungicide treatments, according to Albert Culbreath and Tim Brenneman, plant pathologists at the University of Georgia Tifton Campus.
Former Rep. Richard Royal, of Camilla, Georgia, and UGA soybean pioneer John Woodruff, of Tifton, Georgia, were inducted into the Georgia Agricultural Hall of Fame. To find out more about these new inductees visit CAES News
Alumni Awards 2016
This year the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (CAES) Alumni Association recognized bankers, farmers and Cooperative Extension leaders as part of its annual awards program.
Ornamentals, like native azalea 'Rosy Cheeks,' perform well when planted in the fall. The key is to follow proper planting techniques. This includes digging the planting hole twice as big as the plant's rootball and breaking up the rootball before planting. CAES News
Drought & Plants
Prolonged dry weather has prompted an elevated drought response for northwest Georgia. But under all levels of drought response, new plant material can be installed under a 30-day exemption period. Once the establishment period has expired, the drought-response watering practices must be followed accordingly.
Tips for roasting, smoking or frying your turkey, provided by UGA Extension food safety expert Judy Harrison. CAES News
Turkey Cooking
It’s holiday turkey-eating time. Follow these tips from University of Georgia Cooperative Extension to make sure you cook a tasty turkey while combating bacteria and other foodborne pathogens.
George Afari, a UGA Ph.D. student studying food science, and Sarah Spradlin, first-year student studying agricultural communication and international affairs, traveled with Vicki McMacken, assistant director for the UGA CAES Office of Global Programs, to Des Moines, Iowa for the World Food Prize's annual Borlaug Dialogues this October. CAES News
Borlaug Dialogue
For many students at the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, their educational goals align with the one of the worlds’ greatest challenges – ending hunger around the world.
Solar panels used by poultry houses in south Georgia. CAES News
Energy Efficiency
University of Georgia Cooperative Extension poultry scientist Claudia Dunkley believes solar panels are a way to help poultry farmers become more energy-efficient.
State Extension units, the Southern Regional Extension Forestry (SREF) office, and other agencies have several wildland fire resources for use in the southeastern region of the United States with a particular focus on rural wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas. CAES News
Wildfire Smoke
If you’ve walked outside during the last week, you’ve probably noticed the smell of smoke in the air. Wildfires associated with the current exceptional drought that is covering much of northern Georgia and surrounding states has created perfect conditions for the growth of these fires.