News Stories - Page 225

Agricultural Education
On a typical Friday morning in the middle of the semester, Abigail Borron's students aren't in class. They're out working in food pantries across north Georgia, helping to give a face to food insecurity.
Glen Rains researching the potential of a voice activated tractor on the UGA Tifton Campus. CAES News
Voice-Activated Tractors
Voice-activated tractors are the future of farming, according to University of Georgia agricultural engineer Glen Rains. Through research on the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences campus in Tifton, Georgia, and in partnership with Georgia Tech, Rains is researching voice-activated software that will cause tractors to stop in the event of an emergency.
Unlike many blueberry plants, Blue Suede holds on to its foilage throughout the year.  It is brightly colored in the fall and green in the winter. CAES News
Edible Landscaping
The key to creating a visually appealing edible landscape is the artful combination of annuals and perennials. Most edible plants can act as substitutes for annual plants, but there are some options that can substitute for shrubs, vines and small trees.
Georgia watermelons harvested for delivery. CAES News
Watermelon Planting
Winter’s mild temperatures and sunny days helped some Georgia farmers keep from falling behind with their watermelon plantings this spring, according to University of Georgia Cooperative Extension vegetable horticulturist Tim Coolong.
Spring-flowering shrubs, like this native azalea growing in the University of Georgia Research and Education Garden in Griffin, Georgia, should be pruned after they bloom. Pruning before they bloom will cut down on the flower show. CAES News
Prune After Bloom
Spring-flowering plants are beginning to pop with color. As soon as their color fades, landscapers can prepare to prune and groom these plants.
Dean Pardue speaks to agriculture leaders, including Kent Fountain, at Premium Peanut in Douglas, Ga. on Wednesday, April 20, 2016. CAES News
Agriculture Tour
Weeks of visits and tours across Georgia has University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean and Director Sam Pardue excited about the college improving upon the state’s No. 1 industry — agriculture.
Keynote speaker Ann M. Steensland, deputy director of the Global Harvest Initiative, told students and faculty that successful solutions for feeding the world's hungry have to be created in concert with the farmers and community members on the ground in developing countries and in our own backyard. CAES News
International Ag Reception
From rice fields in western Africa to sheep pastures in Uruguay, students in the University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental sciences travel the world each year to learn how to build a more food-secure future. CAES faculty, students and administrators gathered Tuesday to celebrate the college’s international mission and accomplishments at the sixth annual International Agriculture Day reception.
Pecans on the ground in an orchard on the University of Georgia Tifton campus. CAES News
Pecan Production
Undeterred by the possibility that Georgia pecans might flood the market in six or seven years, the increasing popularity of the crop has University of Georgia Cooperative Extension pecan specialist Lenny Wells encouraged about the future of the state's pecans.
This is a partially reconstructed point-cloud of a peanut field. When completed, UGA scientists will be able to tell the height, width, leaf cover, growth and disease anomolies for individual plants and track it through the season. Currently the research project is working to make the 3-d reconstruction accurate to within 1 mm. CAES News
3-D Images
University of Georgia scientist Glen Rains is combining 3-D images and robotics to help farmers identify crop problems before they become an issue that will affect potential yields.